How to Write A Blog Post for Beginners? - 10 Quick Blog Writing Tips (2021)

our first blog post. I’ll be sharing my 10 tips to help you write your first blog post. So let’s get started! #1 Decide what to write If you have never written a blog post earlier, the first challenge is to decide what you’ll write about. Pick something you are passionate about and already love reading, talking, or listening about. If you are passionate about something, you’ll love writing about that as well. #2 Have Subjective Knowledge Before you start writing about any particular topic, you need to have prior subjective knowledge about that topic. If you already know about that topic, that’s perfect, if not, go and read other blogs, magazine articles, books, anything you can get information from. Do your research and once you have collected the information, start writing. #3 Write Headline First 9 out of 10 people will read the headline and only 3 out of them will read the content. So always start with a catchy headline that attracts readers attention. If your headline is not ...